Easier said than done, isn’t it?
With over 28 years as a successful entrepreneur, teacher, international education consultant and author, I’m headstrong and motivated.
I’ve spent my career supporting and training education and business professionals to face their fears, challenge themselves, change behaviour and build their own resilience.
Despite my success, over the years I've been plagued with feelings of ‘not being enough’. That little voice, that imposter syndrome nagged away at me. But I was tired of listening to it, I wanted to do something big to help change this negative mindset.
I decided to face my biggest fear, deep water, and do what I believed to be impossible - swim the English Channel. Twenty-one miles of the cold, dark, deep sea.
And you know something, I did it. So, if you’ve ever once thought your dream or goal was ‘too big’, or ‘impossible’ then I’ve got something for you.
Two ways I can support you
Perfect for education and business professionals, my keynotes are designed to inspire, engage and give you the tools to change behaviour and build resilience.
There’s no such thing as im(possible). We’ll work together to change your mindset using research-backed techniques and strategies - I’ve got the experience to help you achieve your goals.